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Virtual Private Servers v2

VPS v2 is our latest and greatest! VPS v2 extends the advantages of control, flexibility, and isolation by providing a product that is even more like a standard FreeBSD-based dedicated server. Never before has a VPS been more like having your own dedicated server—you can even reboot, start, and stop your VPS v2. VPS v2 includes root access for maximum control over users and applications. Best of all, VPS v2 offers enhanced “fair share” technology, which protects the system resources allocated to each VPS. It’s the best defense in preventing any single VPS from abusing shared resources and, ultimately, keeping your website and applications performing consistently.

VPS v2 is the closest thing to having your own dedicated server. Look what you can do with VPS v2:

  • Root access to your account
  • Configure multiple shell accounts
  • Host unlimited email accounts
  • Securely support multiple websites
  • Access to the FreeBSD Ports Collection of applications
  • Install and configure the applications of your choice

Virtual Private Server v2 Plans

  VPS v2 Standard VPS v2 Pro VPS v2 Pro Plus
Disk Space
1.25 GB
2.5 GB
5.0 GB
Data Transfer
No charge
No charge
No charge
User Accounts
Virtual Hosts
Root Access

More Information
If you have specific questions about our Virtual Private Servers, do not hesitate to Contact Our Sales Staff.

  Standard VPS v2 Features
Standard Features
  • Ample disk space
  • No bandwidth charges
  • Root access
  • Multiple domain hosting
  • Dedicated IP Address
  • Full shell access (SSH or Telnet)
  • SSL (includes a shared SSL certificate)
  • Multiple users (with shell, web, ftp and/or email privileges)
  • Web-based control panel
  • Urchin
  • Private Apache Web server, plus Apache modules
  • Full CGI capability
  • Complete access to server logs
  • Software package library (including Urchin, MySQL, FP 2002 extensions, Miva Empresa, and more)
  • Comprehensive Administrative Handbook
Technology Features
  • Stand-alone server
    • Independent filesystem (own processes, applications, users, and files)
    • Dedicated IP address and hostname
    • Access to all ports
  • Multiple user support
    • Multiple user support with unique user id (enables multiple shell accounts)
    • Per-user disk quotas
    • Configurable privileges (shell, web, ftp, and/or email)
    • User and group management
  • Access to FreeBSD Ports Collection
  • Robust security
  • Fair share technology
    • Promotes consistent performance and security by protecting resources allocated to each VPS
Email Features
  • Unlimited POP/IMAP email accounts
  • Unlimited email aliases
  • Autoresponder support
  • SSL email encryption & PGP
  • Unauthorized relay protection
  • Configurable SMTP, POP, and IMAP servers
  • Mailing list support
  • TWIG web-based email & calendaring
  • Anti-spam programs (procmail, SpamAssassin, etc.)
FTP Features
  • Private ProFTPd server
  • Access to configuration file
  • Unlimited FTP users
  • Anonymous FTP access
  • SFTP support
Customization Features
  • Freedom to install applications of your choice
  • Access to configuration files for system and application software
  • Access to FreeBSD Ports Collection
  • Configurable user privileges
Application Features
  • E-Commerce
    • SSL and Secure Certificates
    • Mercantec SoftCart*
    • Merchant Payment Center*
  • Web Development Tools & Languages
    • PHP4, mod_php
    • FrontPage 2002 extensions
    • Miva Empresa
    • Perl, mod_perl
    • Zope
    • Python, Tcl, Ruby
    • Compilers for C, C++, and Java
  • Database Solutions
    • MySQL
    • PostgreSQL
    • Oracle gateways
  • Multimedia Applications
    • RealServer**
    • Shockwave Flash
Managed Service Features
  • State-of-the art data centers
  • Hardware maintenance and upgrades on powerful Intel-based hardware
  • Software updates, upgrades, and security patches
  • Triple data backup
  • 24/7 monitoring of data centers, network, and servers
  • Managed security including security-hardened operating system and applications
  • Integrated domain name registration and DNS management**
  • Administrative Backroom and product Control Panel
  • 24/7 phone and email technical support
  • Extensive online documentation and Administrative Handbook
* Additional fee required
** Customer must obtain license from product vendor


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